Purrfect Bistro - Sub-lines
Completed for Merrick Petcare with Enlisted Design
With the increase in pet cat population and households, Merrick Petcare extended its sub-lines to better fit individual cat’s health and wellness needs.
Here are three sub-lines that are introduced, Purrfect Bistro Indoor Series, Purrfect Bistro Complete Care & Purrfect Bistro Bon Appétits.
Purrfect Bistro Indoor Series
With the increment of indoor cat households, Merrick Petcare launched their indoor cat formula that have less calories. With the request to stay aligned with baseline recipes, a new design system was created to fit within current architecture and brand identity.
Purrfect Bistro Complete Care
Merrick Petcare launched a line of dry cat food to help target specific common health issues that are in pet cats. With existing brand identity and design in mind, we have lighten up the background as well as changed up the architecture to help further differentiate from baseline products.
Purrfect Bistro Bon Appétits
Researches have shown that most pet cats don’t intake enough water daily and a lot more cat parents had utilized wet food as a topper to help adding moisture. Bon Appétits line is designed to use as topper on dry food. Inherited the iconic Purrect Bistro gingham and wood background and adding actual food photography and fresh ingredients on the side to help customer understand what goes in at a quick glance.